Terms of Service

The typical waiting period is 3 weeks - 1 month depending on complexity and your place in the que, I will give updates on art and life/health on my commissions que website which will be sent to you upon commission, it can also be found on my Carrd home page ^^ That being said you are more than welcome to ask for more just please don't spam!
You may choose how you recive the final art piece, options include Email or ToyHouse. (You can request other methods tho!)
All payment must be in/converted to GBP (£), I must always be reciving the asked amount in my currency if the correct amount is not sent I will request the remaining amount from you, Failiure to pay in full will result in you reciving a refund and being blacklisted.
I require 100% of the payment after I send you the first WIP, if you do not pay in full within 24 hours I will not continue work on your commission until payment is received. All payment plans MUST be discussed before the comm is started, withholding payment or failiure to pay within 1 week without warning/prior discussion will result in blacklisting and you're commission being discarded.
Payment options: Paypal, Cashapp, Vouchers and I may accept gift cards or dreamie characters from time to time (Money will always be priority tho!)
All refunds will be in full if I have not started the commission. After the sketch is sent I will only refund 50% of the payment. After the lineart phase refunds are no longer an option. Unsolicited refunds or chargebacks will result in being perminantly blacklisted, I will be in contact with the site you have used to pay and I may put out a PSA about you.

Personal ToS
- I reserve the right to refuse or deny any commission/sale without explanation.
- I have the right to refund any commission when I want to without explanation.- I reserve the right to change, edit and/or update these terms.- I have the right to post any artwork I make to promote myself as an artist on any website.- I have the right to blacklist anyone with or without explanation.- I can shuffle my comms list however I want, if you wish to be priority you will have to pay a rush fee.- I am allowed to take my time with commissions it helps w burnout.- When interacting with my art as a minor, do not say anything sexual. I will delete your comment and you will most likely be blocked and blacklisted.- Do not vent in my comments or dms ever. It makes me uncomfortable.- Do not flirt with any of us! (Close friends and partners are free of this rule)- I DO NOT roleplay, I will not budge on this it is very distressing for us and makes me uncomfy. Repeated rp requests will result in immediate blocking and blacklisting.- NEVER roleplay with my characters. I do not allow "fan shipping" either.- Please do not kin my characters, especially if they are our sonas!!- Any potential fictives are free of the previous two roles (duh), this does not free Tulpa systems or Non-trauma background systems of those rules.- I refuse to interact with anyone under the age of 14, this goes for commissions as well.- If you’ve any problems with me or my designs please just message me and we can sort it civilly, I’m more than happy to talk if you will give me the respect and common courtesy I will treat you how you treat me so let’s all be mature thank you :]

About CommissionsI reserve all rights to refuse service for any reason, I do not have to explain why and being pushy, rude or agressive may result in blacklisting.
NONE of my designs or art are permitted to be used as NFTS and/or any other cryptocurrency the work will be treated as stolen!
You may commission me for tattoos, gift art, merch designs etc however If you would like to use a design/my art for commercial purposes, you’ll have to pay a premium fee of £150 added onto the base price. Otherwise, any art/designs commissioned are for personal use ONLY.
Will draw:
- Anthros and ferals
- Light mechanical parts
- Ship art (ocs only!)
- Gore art
- Suggestive art/ Nudity
(must be willing to prove you are 18+)
Will not draw
- Fetish art (Yes even the ""safe"" ones)
- Porn
- Fandom art
- Controversial/Propaganda/Hate art of any kind
- Heavy mech
- Humans/Humanoids
- Art of large creators
- Backgrounds
Any other ideas/requests? Feel free to contact me and ask! I'm happy to hear you out and/or give a quote :]

About Adopts
Adopts are pre-made designs you can buy! I often put my adopts up for offers on multiple platforms and I will sometimes be accepting characters/art for them! Each adopt will come with a ToyHouse ^^ I have two types of adopt sales availible: flatsales and bids!
In a flatsales there is a set price for the character, they are FCFS meaning the first person to comment and claim them can buy them.
In a bid there will be a starting price from there people may comment their offers and reply to each other essentially trying to outbid each other. After 5 hours I will add a AutoBuy meaning a higher price you can pay to get the character immediately, with an AB I will often add extra art :]
ToS for Adopts
- When you win/buy an adopt sale, you MUST pay in full within 48 hours. If I receive no response within 48 hours of the request for payment I will put the design back up for offers.
With any adopt over £25 I am willing to arrange payment plans.
If the adopt is back up for a second time you may offer again however failure to respond/pay a second time will result in blacklisting.
- Backing out more than 3 times will result in blacklisting- Maximun hold for adopts will be up to 7 days- If I trade/sell one of my designs to you it is yours to do as you please, if you then proceed to trade/gift/resell that design to someone else you have given up your ownership, it is no longer yours, the person you have resold the design to is free to do as they please w it.
If they then choose to resell that design to someone else it is not theft or stealing, you relinquished your ownership you did not create it they aren’t yours anymore.
- Trade back plans are allowed with my designs HOWEVER if it violates the previous rule in any way (eg. saying a character is stolen just because someone will not trade back with you) I will permanently blacklist you.- Do not delete character profiles from Toyhouse for any reason. Do not create character profiles for existing characters. If there is a reason or accidental deletion please message me and I am happy to resubmit the TouyHouse with the original artwork!- I would prefer all my designs be viewable on TH however this is in no way a rule it is simply a polite request for my preferance :]- Please wait at least 1 week after purchasing a design to resell or trade it. If you bought the design as a gift for someone else, there is no cooldown and you may gift it immediately.- Do not resell characters for more than u bought them unless u added art or literature to them, If you received a design for free, ie: a gift, raffle prize, etc, any worth they may have had should now be voided.- You are more than welcome to redesign/create alts for my designs I only ask you do not edit or delete the original work- Do not steal or rip off my damn designs (color picking is welcome but please change up the design a fair bit so it’s not a complete copy, changing just the species, adding accessories or changing one stripe does not count. Spice it up a bit more than that! :p)

About Customs
I reserve the right to refuse custom requests for any reason, I am more likely to refuse a custom if I feel its too restricting and gives no room for artistic libery. It's very stressful for me and I simply do not enjoy those kinds of customs.
I only do changes during the sketch-phase of custom commissions along with minor changes at the completion stage of your custom. If you want extensive changes to you're custom there will be additional costs. (See prices page for more info)I work better with more vague descriptions, ideas, colour palettes, songs or moodboards. If you would like a design based off an existing design, DM me and we can work out a price.More complex customs will cost more (see prices page for more info)If a custom is to be sold there is a 3 week cool down and adopt terms must be followed where applicable.